How to Add an Approval Flow to AWS Step Functions Workflow (AWS CodePipeline and Amazon EventBridge Edition)
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- How to Add an Approval Flow to AWS Step Functions Workflow (AWS Systems Manager Automation Edition)
- How to Add an Approval Flow to AWS Step Functions Workflow (AWS Systems Manager Automation and Amazon EventBridge Edition)
This time, I'd like to try adding an approval flow using AWS CodePipeline instead of AWS Systems Manager Automation, and detect the approval result with an Amazon EventBridge rule to return it to AWS Step Functions.
This article, like the aforementioned ones, was created with the following motivations and intentions:
In recent years, the rapid advancement of AI technology has made it possible to replace or strongly support traditionally manual approval processes performed by humans with generative AI. However, final judgment by humans with specialized knowledge and authority remains important.
Therefore, with a view to incorporating generative AI into approval flows in the future, I have prototyped an approval flow system using AWS Step Functions with AWS services. The main objectives of this prototype are as follows:
Note that this demo is built using an AWS CloudFormation template. The reasons for not using more advanced IaC tools like AWS CDK or AWS SAM include the following:
- By systematizing the approval flow through APIs, decision-making processes can be flexibly switched between humans and generative AI
- Initially, approvals are performed by humans, and can be gradually transitioned to AI when the capabilities of generative AI are deemed sufficient
- If there are concerns about the judgment of generative AI or if final confirmation is needed, humans can intervene in the approval process
- Multi-stage approval flows combining humans and generative AI enable decision-making with higher accuracy
For these reasons, I believe that using a CloudFormation template provides a demo environment that more readers can easily understand and implement.
- Reproducibility and portability: By making it self-contained with a single CloudFormation template, it ensures that anyone can obtain the same results regardless of their environment. Using CDK or SAM could potentially reduce reproducibility due to version differences or dependency issues.
- Lower learning barrier: CloudFormation is a familiar technology for many AWS users. Using CDK or SAM might require knowledge of additional tools or programming languages, which could be a barrier for readers.
- Direct understanding of AWS resources: CloudFormation templates directly define AWS resources. This makes it easier to understand the detailed settings and behavior of AWS services, increasing educational value.
- Ease of debugging: Being a single template file, identifying and fixing errors is relatively easy. This facilitates troubleshooting for readers when implementing in their own environments.
- Simplification of version control and maintenance: Management with a single file simplifies version control and improves long-term maintainability. The basic syntax of CloudFormation has been stable for many years, reducing the risk of future changes or deprecation.
- Rapid deployment and testing: Without additional build steps, changes to the template can be applied and tested immediately. This allows readers to quickly try it out in their own environments.
- Compatibility with AWS console: CloudFormation templates can be directly edited and applied in the AWS console. This enables quick changes and confirmation through the GUI, making it more accessible to a wider audience.
* The source code published in this article and other articles by this author was developed as part of independent research and is provided 'as is' without any warranty of operability or fitness for a particular purpose. Please use it at your own risk. The code may be modified without prior notice.
Architecture Diagram to be tested in this article
The configuration for adding an approval flow to AWS Step Functions using AWS Lambda, AWS CodePipeline, and Amazon EventBridge that I will try this time is as follows:
The flow is as follows:
First, in the AWS Step Functions state machine, an AWS Lambda function with
specified writes the token of the AWS Step Functions state machine to the metadata of an Amazon S3 object (Source Artifact specified in AWS CodePipeline) and PUTs it to an Amazon S3 bucket, which triggers the execution of AWS CodePipeline (SSM Automation).
In the approval stage of AWS CodePipeline, the approval action (Approval
) confirms approval or denial with the approver via an Amazon SNS topic email notification.An Amazon EventBridge rule detects the event of the AWS CodePipeline approval stage associated with the approval or denial decision in the approval flow, and executes an AWS Lambda function for returning results.
In the AWS Lambda function for returning results, the version of the Amazon S3 object used is identified from the contents of the AWS CodePipeline approval stage corresponding to the event, the token of the AWS Step Functions state machine is obtained from the metadata of the Amazon S3 object, and the approval result from the event is returned to the AWS Step Functions state machine.
The advantage of using the approval action of AWS CodePipeline as a component in this way is that it allows specifying the authentication of approvers and the permissions for the approval action.
When the Amazon SNS topic email notification sent by the approval action (
) of AWS CodePipeline is received, the approver can log in to the AWS Management Console via the link and decide whether to approve or deny only if they have an IAM role or IAM user allowed to perform the approval action.As AWS Systems Manager Automation, which supports operation automation, and AWS CodePipeline, which supports CI/CD, have different service purposes, there are particularly differences in the timing of determining configuration details for approval flows.
Specifically, compared to the approval flow using AWS Systems Manager Automation introduced in the previous article, AWS CodePipeline requires predetermining the Amazon S3 bucket and object name for storing Source Artifacts, approval messages, confirmation URLs, etc., in the stage settings before execution.
With AWS Systems Manager Automation, you can change the IAM role of the approver, the number of approvals required for final approval from multiple approvers, approval messages, confirmation URLs, confirmation files, etc., for each Automation execution by changing the values of parameters defined in the SSM Document.
On the other hand, while AWS CodePipeline can be executed with just an Amazon S3 object PUT, AWS Systems Manager Automation needs to be executed by specifying multiple parameters and an execution IAM role.
Due to these characteristics, AWS Systems Manager Automation can be flexibly introduced to AWS Step Functions that require approval flow as a component of automation, but AWS CodePipeline requires changing the configuration of pipelines including approval flows and the configuration of AWS Step Functions that require AWS CodePipeline execution according to the CI/CD architecture being built and the purpose.
Example of AWS CloudFormation template and parameters
AWS CloudFormation template (Adding an approval flow to AWS Step Functions using AWS Lambda and AWS CodePipeline)
Example of input parameters
CodePipelineName: CodePipelineApprovalSample #Name of AWS CodePipeline CodePipelineS3bucketName: ho2k #Name of Amazon S3 bucket to store Artifacts in AWS CodePipeline CodePipelineS3bucketKeyInput: index.html #File name of Source Artifact to trigger AWS CodePipeline CodePipelineS3bucketKeyOutput: index_approved.html #File name of Artifact to deploy finally after approval in AWS CodePipeline CodePipelineS3bucketKeyContentType: text/html #Content type of Source Artifact CodePipelineConfirmationCustomData: Approval request has been received. Please review file at the following URL to decide whether to approve or deny. #Custom data (message) to display in the confirmation dialog of the approval flow CodePipelineConfirmationUrl: https://hidekazu-konishi.com/ #Confirmation URL to display in the confirmation dialog of the approval flow EmailForNotification: sample@ho2k.com #Email address to send approval requests EventRuleForAutomationResultState: ENABLED #Setting for enabling (ENABLED) or disabling (DISABLED) Amazon EventBridge
Template body
File name:SfnApprovalCFnSfnWithCodePipelineApprovalAndEventBridge.yml
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Description: 'Add AWS CodePipeline Approval Action to AWS Step Functions.' Parameters: EmailForNotification: Type: String Default: "sample@ho2k.com" EventRuleForCodePipelineResultState: Type: String Default: ENABLED AllowedValues: - ENABLED - DISABLED CodePipelineName: Type: String Default: "CodePipelineApprovalSample" CodePipelineS3bucketName: Type: String Default: "ho2k" CodePipelineS3bucketKeyInput: Type: String Default: "index.html" CodePipelineS3bucketKeyOutput: Type: String Default: "index_approved.html" CodePipelineS3bucketKeyContentType: Type: String Default: "text/html" CodePipelineConfirmationCustomData: Type: String Default: "Approval request has been received. Please review file at the following URL to decide whether to approve or deny." CodePipelineConfirmationUrl: Type: String Default: "https://hidekazu-konishi.com/" Resources: AWSCodePipelineServiceRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: RoleName: !Sub 'AWSCodePipelineServiceRole-${AWS::Region}' Path: / MaxSessionDuration: 43200 AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: - codepipeline.amazonaws.com Action: - sts:AssumeRole Policies: - PolicyName: !Sub 'IAMPolicy-AWSCodePipelineServiceRole-${AWS::Region}' PolicyDocument: Version: "2012-10-17" Statement: - Action: - "iam:PassRole" Resource: "*" Effect: Allow Condition: StringEqualsIfExists: "iam:PassedToService": - cloudformation.amazonaws.com - elasticbeanstalk.amazonaws.com - ec2.amazonaws.com - ecs-tasks.amazonaws.com - Action: - "codecommit:CancelUploadArchive" - "codecommit:GetBranch" - "codecommit:GetCommit" - "codecommit:GetRepository" - "codecommit:GetUploadArchiveStatus" - "codecommit:UploadArchive" Resource: "*" Effect: Allow - Action: - "codedeploy:CreateDeployment" - "codedeploy:GetApplication" - "codedeploy:GetApplicationRevision" - "codedeploy:GetDeployment" - "codedeploy:GetDeploymentConfig" - "codedeploy:RegisterApplicationRevision" Resource: "*" Effect: Allow - Action: - "codestar-connections:UseConnection" Resource: "*" Effect: Allow - Action: - "elasticbeanstalk:*" - "ec2:*" - "elasticloadbalancing:*" - "autoscaling:*" - "cloudwatch:*" - "s3:*" - "sns:*" - "cloudformation:*" - "rds:*" - "sqs:*" - "ecs:*" Resource: "*" Effect: Allow - Action: - "lambda:InvokeFunction" - "lambda:ListFunctions" Resource: "*" Effect: Allow - Action: - "opsworks:CreateDeployment" - "opsworks:DescribeApps" - "opsworks:DescribeCommands" - "opsworks:DescribeDeployments" - "opsworks:DescribeInstances" - "opsworks:DescribeStacks" - "opsworks:UpdateApp" - "opsworks:UpdateStack" Resource: "*" Effect: Allow - Action: - "cloudformation:CreateStack" - "cloudformation:DeleteStack" - "cloudformation:DescribeStacks" - "cloudformation:UpdateStack" - "cloudformation:CreateChangeSet" - "cloudformation:DeleteChangeSet" - "cloudformation:DescribeChangeSet" - "cloudformation:ExecuteChangeSet" - "cloudformation:SetStackPolicy" - "cloudformation:ValidateTemplate" Resource: "*" Effect: Allow - Action: - "codebuild:BatchGetBuilds" - "codebuild:StartBuild" - "codebuild:BatchGetBuildBatches" - "codebuild:StartBuildBatch" Resource: "*" Effect: Allow - Effect: Allow Action: - "devicefarm:ListProjects" - "devicefarm:ListDevicePools" - "devicefarm:GetRun" - "devicefarm:GetUpload" - "devicefarm:CreateUpload" - "devicefarm:ScheduleRun" Resource: "*" - Effect: Allow Action: - "servicecatalog:ListProvisioningArtifacts" - "servicecatalog:CreateProvisioningArtifact" - "servicecatalog:DescribeProvisioningArtifact" - "servicecatalog:DeleteProvisioningArtifact" - "servicecatalog:UpdateProduct" Resource: "*" - Effect: Allow Action: - "cloudformation:ValidateTemplate" Resource: "*" - Effect: Allow Action: - "ecr:DescribeImages" Resource: "*" - Effect: Allow Action: - "states:DescribeExecution" - "states:DescribeStateMachine" - "states:StartExecution" Resource: "*" - Effect: Allow Action: - "appconfig:StartDeployment" - "appconfig:StopDeployment" - "appconfig:GetDeployment" Resource: "*" CodePipelineForApprovalAction: DependsOn: - AWSCodePipelineServiceRole - SnsCodePipelineApprovalNotification Type: AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline Properties: ArtifactStore: Location: !Ref CodePipelineS3bucketName Type: S3 Name: !Ref CodePipelineName RoleArn: !GetAtt AWSCodePipelineServiceRole.Arn Stages: - Name: Source Actions: - Name: Source Region: !Ref AWS::Region ActionTypeId: Category: Source Owner: AWS Provider: S3 Version: '1' Configuration: S3Bucket: !Ref CodePipelineS3bucketName S3ObjectKey: !Ref CodePipelineS3bucketKeyInput OutputArtifacts: - Name: SourceArtifact RunOrder: 1 - Name: Approval Actions: - Name: Approval Region: !Ref AWS::Region ActionTypeId: Category: Approval Owner: AWS Provider: Manual Version: '1' Configuration: CustomData: !Ref CodePipelineConfirmationCustomData ExternalEntityLink: !Ref CodePipelineConfirmationUrl NotificationArn: !Ref SnsCodePipelineApprovalNotification RunOrder: 1 - Name: Deploy Actions: - Name: Deploy Region: !Ref AWS::Region ActionTypeId: Category: Deploy Owner: AWS Provider: S3 Version: '1' Configuration: BucketName: !Ref CodePipelineS3bucketName ObjectKey: !Ref CodePipelineS3bucketKeyOutput Extract: false InputArtifacts: - Name: SourceArtifact RunOrder: 1 LambdaForCodePipelineExecution: Type: AWS::Lambda::Function DependsOn: - LambdaForCodePipelineExecutionRole Properties: FunctionName: LambdaForCodePipelineExecution Description : 'LambdaForCodePipelineExecution' Runtime: python3.9 MemorySize: 10240 Timeout: 900 Role: !GetAtt LambdaForCodePipelineExecutionRole.Arn Handler: index.lambda_handler Code: ZipFile: | import botocore import boto3 import json import os import sys region = os.environ.get('AWS_REGION') sts_client = boto3.client("sts", region_name=region) account_id = sts_client.get_caller_identity()["Account"] s3_client = boto3.client('s3', region_name=region) def lambda_handler(event, context): print(("Received event: " + json.dumps(event, indent=2))) try: s3_put_res = s3_client.put_object( Body=event['confirmation_file_content'], Bucket=event['s3_bucket_name'], Key=event['s3_bucket_key'], ContentType=event['confirmation_file_content-type'], Metadata={ 'x-amz-meta-sfntoken': event['token'] } ) print('s3_client.put_object: ') print(s3_put_res) except Exception as ex: print(f'Exception:{ex}') tb = sys.exc_info()[2] print(f's3_client put_object FAIL. Exception:{str(ex.with_traceback(tb))}') raise result = {} result['params'] = event.copy() return result LambdaForCodePipelineExecutionRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: RoleName: !Sub 'IAMRole-LambdaForCodePipelineExecutionRole-${AWS::Region}' Path: / MaxSessionDuration: 43200 AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: - edgelambda.amazonaws.com - lambda.amazonaws.com Action: - sts:AssumeRole Policies: - PolicyName: !Sub 'IAMPolicy-LambdaForCodePipelineExecutionRole-${AWS::Region}' PolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - logs:CreateLogGroup Resource: - 'arn:aws:logs:*:*:*' - Effect: Allow Action: - logs:CreateLogStream - logs:PutLogEvents Resource: - !Sub 'arn:aws:logs:*:*:log-group:/aws/lambda/LambdaForCodePipelineExecutionRole:*' - Effect: Allow Action: - s3:PutObject Resource: - '*' LambdaForReceivingCodePipelineResult: Type: AWS::Lambda::Function DependsOn: - LambdaForReceivingCodePipelineResultRole Properties: FunctionName: LambdaForReceivingCodePipelineResult Description : 'LambdaForReceivingCodePipelineResult' Runtime: python3.9 MemorySize: 10240 Timeout: 900 Role: !GetAtt LambdaForReceivingCodePipelineResultRole.Arn Handler: index.lambda_handler Code: ZipFile: | import botocore import boto3 import json import os import sys region = os.environ.get('AWS_REGION') sts_client = boto3.client("sts", region_name=region) account_id = sts_client.get_caller_identity()["Account"] sns_client = boto3.client('sns', region_name=region) cpl_client = boto3.client('codepipeline', region_name=region) s3_client = boto3.client('s3', region_name=region) sfn_client = boto3.client('stepfunctions', region_name=region) def lambda_handler(event, context): print(("Received event: " + json.dumps(event, indent=2))) sfn_token = '' is_approved = False try: #Identify the revisionId (Amazon S3 object version) used in the Pipeline execution from the execution-id in the Event, and obtain the Step Functions token. cpl_res_exe = cpl_client.get_pipeline_execution( pipelineName=event['detail']['pipeline'], pipelineExecutionId=event['detail']['execution-id'] ) print('cpl_client.get_pipeline_execution: ') print(cpl_res_exe) s3_version_id = cpl_res_exe['pipelineExecution']['artifactRevisions'][0]['revisionId'] print(f's3_version_id: {s3_version_id}') cpl_res = cpl_client.get_pipeline( name=cpl_res_exe['pipelineExecution']['pipelineName'], version=cpl_res_exe['pipelineExecution']['pipelineVersion'] ) #Get the Amazon S3 bucket and object key used from the pipeline name and pipeline version. s3_bucket_name = cpl_res['pipeline']['stages'][0]['actions'][0]['configuration']['S3Bucket'] print(f's3_bucket_name: {s3_bucket_name}') s3_bucket_key = cpl_res['pipeline']['stages'][0]['actions'][0]['configuration']['S3ObjectKey'] print(f's3_bucket_key: {s3_bucket_key}') #Get the Step Functions token from the metadata of the Amazon S3 object corresponding to the version ID. s3_get_res = s3_client.get_object(Bucket=s3_bucket_name, Key=s3_bucket_key, VersionId=s3_version_id) print('s3_client.get_object: ') print(s3_get_res) #file_content = s3_get_res['Body'].read().decode('utf-8') sfn_token = s3_get_res['Metadata']['x-amz-meta-sfntoken'] print(f'sfn_token: {sfn_token}') #Get the approval result from the state in the Event. approval_result = event['detail'].get('state','') print(f'approval_result:{approval_result}') if approval_result == 'SUCCEEDED': is_approved = True except Exception as ex: print(f'Exception:{ex}') tb = sys.exc_info()[2] print(f'cpl_client.get_pipeline_execution, s3_client.get_object FAIL. Exception:{str(ex.with_traceback(tb))}') is_approved = False try: #Send task success to the SFN side with the callback token. sfn_res = sfn_client.send_task_success( taskToken=sfn_token, output=json.dumps({'is_approved':is_approved}) ) except Exception as ex: print(f'Exception:{ex}') tb = sys.exc_info()[2] print(f'sfn_client send_task_success FAIL. Exception:{str(ex.with_traceback(tb))}') raise return {'is_approved':is_approved} LambdaForReceivingCodePipelineResultRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: RoleName: !Sub 'IAMRole-LambdaForReceivingCodePipelineResult-${AWS::Region}' Path: / MaxSessionDuration: 43200 AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: - edgelambda.amazonaws.com - lambda.amazonaws.com Action: - sts:AssumeRole Policies: - PolicyName: !Sub 'IAMPolicy-LambdaForReceivingCodePipelineResult-${AWS::Region}' PolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - logs:CreateLogGroup Resource: - 'arn:aws:logs:*:*:*' - Effect: Allow Action: - logs:CreateLogStream - logs:PutLogEvents Resource: - !Sub 'arn:aws:logs:*:*:log-group:/aws/lambda/LambdaForReceivingCodePipelineResult:*' - Effect: Allow Action: - 's3:GetObject*' - codepipeline:GetPipelineExecution - codepipeline:GetPipeline Resource: - '*' - Effect: Allow Action: - states:ListActivities - states:ListExecutions - states:ListStateMachines - states:DescribeActivity - states:DescribeExecution - states:DescribeStateMachine - states:DescribeStateMachineForExecution - states:GetExecutionHistory - states:SendTaskSuccess Resource: - '*' LambdaForReceivingCodePipelineResultPermission: Type: AWS::Lambda::Permission DependsOn: - LambdaForReceivingCodePipelineResult - EventRuleForCodePipelineResult Properties: Action: lambda:InvokeFunction FunctionName: !GetAtt LambdaForReceivingCodePipelineResult.Arn Principal: events.amazonaws.com SourceArn: !GetAtt EventRuleForCodePipelineResult.Arn EventRuleForCodePipelineResult: Type: AWS::Events::Rule DependsOn: - LambdaForReceivingCodePipelineResult Properties: Name: EventRuleForCodePipelineResult EventBusName: default Description: 'EventRuleForCodePipelineResult' State: !Ref EventRuleForCodePipelineResultState EventPattern: source: - 'aws.codepipeline' detail-type: - 'CodePipeline Action Execution State Change' detail: pipeline: - !Ref CodePipelineName state: - 'SUCCEEDED' - 'FAILED' type: category: - 'Approval' Targets: - Id: 'EventRuleForCodePipelineResultTarget' Arn: !GetAtt LambdaForReceivingCodePipelineResult.Arn SnsCodePipelineApprovalNotification: Type: AWS::SNS::Topic Properties: TopicName: CodePipelineApprovalNotification DisplayName: CodePipelineApprovalNotification FifoTopic: False Subscription: - Endpoint: !Ref EmailForNotification Protocol: email StepFunctionsWithCodePipelineApproval: Type: AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine DependsOn: - LambdaForCodePipelineExecution - LambdaForReceivingCodePipelineResult - StepFunctionsWithCodePipelineApprovalRole - StepFunctionsWithCodePipelineApprovalLogGroup Properties: StateMachineName: StepFunctionsWithCodePipelineApproval StateMachineType: STANDARD RoleArn: !GetAtt StepFunctionsWithCodePipelineApprovalRole.Arn LoggingConfiguration: Level: ALL IncludeExecutionData: true Destinations: - CloudWatchLogsLogGroup: LogGroupArn: !GetAtt StepFunctionsWithCodePipelineApprovalLogGroup.Arn DefinitionString: !Sub |- { "Comment": "Sample of adding an Approval flow to AWS Step Functions.", "TimeoutSeconds": 604800, "StartAt": "InvokeLambdaForCodePipelineExecution", "States": { "InvokeLambdaForCodePipelineExecution": { "Type": "Task", "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::lambda:invoke.waitForTaskToken", "Parameters": { "FunctionName": "${LambdaForCodePipelineExecution.Arn}:$LATEST", "Payload": { "step.$": "$$.State.Name", "token.$": "$$.Task.Token", "s3_bucket_name.$": "$$.Execution.Input.s3_bucket_name", "s3_bucket_key.$": "$$.Execution.Input.s3_bucket_key", "confirmation_file_content-type.$": "$$.Execution.Input.confirmation_file_content-type", "confirmation_file_content.$": "$$.Execution.Input.confirmation_file_content" } }, "Retry": [ { "ErrorEquals": [ "Lambda.ServiceException", "Lambda.AWSLambdaException", "Lambda.SdkClientException", "Lambda.TooManyRequestsException" ], "IntervalSeconds": 2, "MaxAttempts": 6, "BackoffRate": 2 } ], "Catch": [ { "ErrorEquals": [ "States.ALL" ], "Next": "Fail" } ], "Next": "ApprovalResult" }, "ApprovalResult": { "Type": "Choice", "Choices": [ { "Variable": "$.is_approved", "BooleanEquals": true, "Next": "Approved" }, { "Variable": "$.is_approved", "BooleanEquals": false, "Next": "Rejected" } ], "Default": "Rejected" }, "Approved": { "Type": "Succeed" }, "Rejected": { "Type": "Succeed" }, "Fail": { "Type": "Fail" } } } StepFunctionsWithCodePipelineApprovalRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role DependsOn: - LambdaForCodePipelineExecution - LambdaForReceivingCodePipelineResult Properties: RoleName: !Sub 'IAMRole-StepFunctionsWithCodePipelineApproval-${AWS::Region}' Path: / MaxSessionDuration: 43200 AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: - states.amazonaws.com - lambda.amazonaws.com Action: - sts:AssumeRole Policies: - PolicyName: !Sub 'IAMPolicy-StepFunctionsWithCodePipelineApproval-${AWS::Region}' PolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - lambda:InvokeFunction Resource: - !Sub '${LambdaForCodePipelineExecution.Arn}:*' - !Sub '${LambdaForReceivingCodePipelineResult.Arn}:*' - Effect: Allow Action: - lambda:InvokeFunction Resource: - !Sub '${LambdaForCodePipelineExecution.Arn}' - !Sub '${LambdaForReceivingCodePipelineResult.Arn}' - PolicyName: CloudWatchLogsDeliveryFullAccessPolicy PolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - logs:DescribeResourcePolicies - logs:DescribeLogGroups - logs:GetLogDelivery - logs:CreateLogDelivery - logs:DeleteLogDelivery - logs:UpdateLogDelivery - logs:ListLogDeliveries - logs:PutResourcePolicy Resource: - '*' - PolicyName: XRayAccessPolicy PolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - xray:PutTraceSegments - xray:PutTelemetryRecords - xray:GetSamplingRules - xray:GetSamplingTargets Resource: - '*' StepFunctionsWithCodePipelineApprovalLogGroup: Type: AWS::Logs::LogGroup Properties: LogGroupName: /aws/vendedlogs/states/Logs-StepFunctionsWithCodePipelineApproval Outputs: Region: Value: !Ref AWS::Region StepFunctionsInputExample: Description: "AWS Step Functions Input Example" Value: !Sub |- { "region": "${AWS::Region}", "s3_bucket_name": "${CodePipelineS3bucketName}", "s3_bucket_key": "${CodePipelineS3bucketKeyInput}", "confirmation_file_content-type": "${CodePipelineS3bucketKeyContentType}", "confirmation_file_content": "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"10; URL=https:\/\/hidekazu-konishi.com\/\"><title>Demo of adding approval actions with AWS CodePipeline to AWS Step Functions<\/title><\/head><body>Demo of adding approval actions with AWS CodePipeline to AWS Step Functions.<br\/><\/body><\/html>" }
Build procedure
- Deploy with AWS CloudFormation by entering the necessary values for the template parameters in a region that supports AWS Step Functions and AWS CodePipeline.
After creating the AWS CloudFormation stack, an example of input parameters (in JSON format) for AWS Step Functions execution will be output asStepFunctionsInputExample
in theOutput
field, so make a note of it. - Approve the SNS topic subscription request that will be sent to the email address you entered.
Executing the demo
- Modify the
in the JSON parameters ofStepFunctionsInputExample
noted in the "Build procedure" above, and use it as the input value to execute the AWS Step Functions state machineStepFunctionsWithCodePipelineApproval
is the file content of the Source Artifact prepared for the demo in AWS CodePipeline. When actually using AWS CodePipeline to deploy artifacts to various AWS resources, you may need to use zip files, so the AWS Step Functions steps and AWS CodePipeline stages should be constructed according to your use case. - When you receive the email for the AWS CodePipeline approval action at the email address specified during setup, choose to approve (
) or reject (Reject
) from the AWS Management Console. - Confirm that the steps of the AWS Step Functions state machine
transition according to the chosen approval (Approve
) or rejection (Reject
Deletion procedure
- Delete the AWS CloudFormation stack created in the "Build procedure".
Tech Blog with curated related content
What is AWS Step Functions? - AWS Step Functions
AWS Systems Manager Automation - AWS Systems Manager
What is AWS CodePipeline? - AWS CodePipeline
In this article, I tried adding an approval flow to an AWS Step Functions workflow using the approval action of AWS CodePipeline and Amazon EventBridge.By using this method, I confirmed that a flexible approval process can be incorporated into AWS Step Functions workflows.
It was also confirmed that appropriate continuous processing can be performed not only when approval is granted but also when it is denied, enabling it to handle complex approval flows that require intricate processes.
As next steps, we could consider integrating this approval flow with other AWS services or expanding it into a multi-stage approval flow with multiple approval steps.
On the other hand, through this experiment, I found that the approval flows of AWS Systems Manager Automation, which I tried previously, and AWS CodePipeline, which I tried this time, each have their own characteristics.
While AWS Systems Manager Automation can flexibly respond to parameter changes at execution time, AWS CodePipeline provides a consistent process that is configured in advance.
This made it clear that it's important to choose the appropriate approval flow based on the use case and requirements.
I learned that by combining AWS serverless services, we can achieve flexible and applicable approval workflows while minimizing maintenance efforts.
I look forward to continuing to explore approval workflow management approaches using AWS services like this in the future.
Written by Hidekazu Konishi
Copyright © Hidekazu Konishi ( hidekazu-konishi.com ) All Rights Reserved.